we are helping people for his fitness
This brings us to where we are today with our definition of ‘fitness’. For many people, going to the gym fully encompasses all the fitness we get in our life. We have desk jobs where we stay sedentary for 8 hours a day and have other demands of our time afterwards that don’t include getting out and getting active. Our evenings may also involve little activity, turning in for bed after sitting down to watch TV for a few hours while consuming high-calorie processed foods.
Is it any wonder that we’re experiencing the health problems we are today? The high-sugar foods we’re eating send a surge of insulin streaming through our veins, which then sucks all that excess sugar up and deposits it straight into our bodies’ fat stores. This will also cause an elevation in blood triglycerides to take place as well, setting us up for heart disease.
Some of us do go so far as to create structured workout programs in the gym, which is good, but this doesn’t get us mentally fit like non-gym activities do. Nor does it challenge our bodies in innovative ways. With gym activities, you’ll be performing the same repetitive motion time and time again, so there is little thought required to complete the activity. If you were to go out and play a game of soccer, for example, your mind must shift constantly and pay attention to what’s going on in the field. This added mental stimulation will not only improve your fitness while enhancing your mind-body coordination, but it will also keep you that much more interested in the workout as well. Think of our ancestors hunting for their meal, no two pursuits quite the same. While a few people do like to go into the gym and ‘zone out’ as they find it relieves stress, most people need more than that.
if any problem you have with fitness then contact us we are gratefully to help you
gmail:- tchannel449@gmail.com